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Chat with someone who gets it.
Free, confidential, UK-wide and peer-led
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Chat with another nurse or midwife who gets it
Space to offload and decompress
All volunteers trained in support skills
Here for all nurses, midwives, healthcare support workers, students, nursing associates and the friends and family of such staff
Chatting with us may just give you the encouragement that you need, or it might boost your confidence in seeking ongoing support. We can't provide advice, counselling, or discuss professional issues, but we know that sometimes just talking about your day with someone who understands can be a game changer.
Making sure that our conversations, both over the phone and on email, with you are confidential is incredibly important to us. However, if it any point during our conversation we are concerned about your safety or the safety of someone else, we may ask that you share your details with us so that we can get you the support that you need and we might share these concerns with the emergency services where necessary. For more information about this and about how we use your data, check out our safeguarding and privacy policies.
The Samaritans are available to chat 24 hours a day and are free to call on 116 123.
If you or someone around you is in immediate danger, please contact the emergency services by dialling 999.
It's time to shout about it.
It's going to be all hands on deck to get our message out there, and with your help we know that we can reach those who really need this. If you have colleagues who you think might benefit from space to offload or chat, let them know about us and what we're here to do. Click the image below to download our launch poster or email and make sure it takes centre stage on those coffee room notice boards!
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