Thursday 19th September 2024 - 6.00 - 7.30pm
Navigating the Storm: Supporting the Nursing and Midwifery Community through Fitness to Practise Investigations.
This webinar has been created to support any nurse or midwife who is currently going through an NMC fitness to practise investigation and those who have experienced the process and require ongoing support. In collaboration with NMCWatch, we seek to support nurses, midwives and nursing associates (“registrants”) going through fitness to practice investigations.
Being investigated can be incredibly stressful, distressing and scary, with many nurses and midwives stating that they feel isolated, anxious, lonely, desperate, lost and 'in limbo'. The aim of this webinar is to provide a safe psychological space that is totally non-judgemental where nurses and midwives can come together to share their experience and top tips on how to survive the process whilst learning how to protect their emotional wellbeing and mental health. Most importantly, we want participants to take away the message that they are not alone and that there is always someone to reach out to even in their darkest hours.
In collaboration with NMCWatch
To understand the impact that the fitness to practise process can have on emotional wellbeing and mental health
To provide practical guidance and support through shared experience
To empower participants to reach out for help and support when needed
To provide contact details of organisations that can provide support and advice.
Duration: One Hour and a Half, 6.00pm - 7.30pm.
1. Introduction (5 minutes)
Welcome and introductions
Overview of the webinar's objectives.
2. Presentation (15 minutes)
A story from a nurse that has gone through a NMC fitness to practise investigation.
3. Q&A open session to include the following (60 minutes):
The emotional and mental health impact of fitness to practise investigations
The sharing of stress management techniques and other practical steps to survive the fitness to practise process
Where to get support and guidance when going through the fitness to practise process
Encouraging participants to reach out for help when needed
The importance of networking with others in similar situations to provide mutual support.
4. Where to find support and help
Introduction to NMC Watch and Nurse Lifeline - a short brief on the services they deliver, contact details
Signposting to other support organisations.
Email any questions to