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Nurse Lifeline

Meet some of our volunteers

Updated: Nov 1, 2021


"I’m a Nurse Practitioner working in the new Major Trauma Centre in Cardiff. I have been a qualified nurse for over 15 years with a background in Critical Care, Transplant and Nephrology.

When I discovered NurseLifeline I knew immediately it was something I wanted to get involved in. Both myself and my husband are nurses and both have experienced first hand the struggles that mental health issues can cause.

I think the circumstances of the past year have particularly highlighted just how much this kind of support will benefit nurses and midwives."


"I commenced my journey in the NHS since 1996 having a wide range of experience in all areas.

In 2020 I was diagnosed with amyloidosis and seriously ill whilst experiencing the global event challenges. This affective my mental and physically wellbeing having to deal with my diagnosis and other factors. I am indebted to the NHS family, my family and colleagues for the support that was given to me.

Having encountered this illness and undergone many treatments, I have personally overcome many challenges and goals. This in-turn has made me more resilient and enhanced my empathetic attitude towards the importance of health and wellbeing for others and myself.

Therefore, being part of this Nurse Lifeline gives me great excitement, that we can make a change and support each other through the success of this journey."


"I am a registered nurse for over 15 years experience both in Intensive Care and currently working as a Specialist Community Public Health nurse (Health Visitor).

I come from a humble beginning and my life has been shaped by my faith, strong values and culture.

I am a mother to 3 amazing children.

I was born and raised in the Pearl of Africa and my childhood experience made me who I am today.

Being able to help others brings me so much joy and defines who I am.

I saw the advert and just dived in because I know how it feels to feel displaced.

I connect with people to create Change, I see the best in others and create Love because I was born to love."

"A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle" James Keller"

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