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Volunteer for Nurse Lifeline

We’re excited to announce that we are looking to increase the number of registered NURSES AND MIDWIVES on our team as Call Handlers, to support their peers through our listening service.

As you know, we’re not a counselling service or advice line, but we are here for nurses, midwives and HCAs to be able to decompress and offload with someone who 'gets' it.

We’re growing our volunteer community and would love to hear from you!

The role will involve committing to at least one session every two weeks, which take place every weekday evening from 7pm -11pm, with additional time for training and meetings.

And guess what, becoming a volunteer gives you more benefits than you think..

❇️You'll be provided with certified phone support training (great one to enhance your CV).

❇️‘Check-in’ sessions with a qualified mental health professional to support you in your volunteering role (another good opportunity to support those NMC revalidation reflections).

❇️Collaboration with new colleagues outside of your usual work environment.

❇️ The opportunity to provide volunteer feedback and shape the future of our service.

❇️ And most importantly… the chance to support your peers and be part of a progressive and innovative peer-led project – we’re flying the flag for all nurses and midwives and want you to be part of the journey!


We hoped you might be – just click here for more information on how to apply .. we can’t wait to hear from you!

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